goRAN+ LTE Base Station
Datasheet for Ubiik goRAN+ LTE Base Station which supports dual-spectrum mode! Now supporting Band 106 and the 915 MHz ISM Band. An Innovation made for utilities' flexibility.
Pyxis LTE Router
Datasheet for Ubiik latest endpoint, Pyxis LTE Router.
freeRAN™ LTE Base Station
Datasheet for Ubiik freeRAN™ LTE Base Station, which integrates a full software 3GPP Release 15 Radio Access Network (RAN) optimized for standalone 4G LTE-M in 3MHz bandwidth in the U.S. unlicensed 902-928MHz frequencies..
goRAN™ LTE Base Station
Datasheet for Ubiik goRAN™ LTE Base Station, which integrates a full software 3GPP Release 15 Radio Access Network (RAN) optimized for standalone 4G LTE-M the licensed spectrum.

goRAN Ignition kit
Datasheet for Ubiik goRAN LTE Base Station Ignition Kit, which integrates a full software 3GPP Release 15 Radio Access Network (RAN) optimized for standalone 4G LTE-M the licensed spectrum.
Nimbus 220 NB-IoT Module (EDM)
Datasheet for Ubiik End Device Module (EDM), which is a low power long range module with a full Weightless™ protocol stack including the AT command interface. The AT command interface offers rapid time to market.

freeRAN™ LTE Base Station
Datasheet for Ubiik freeRAN™ LTE Base Station, which integrates a full software 3GPP Release 15 Radio Access Network (RAN) optimized for standalone 4G LTE-M in 3MHz bandwidth in the U.S. unlicensed 902-928MHz frequencies..

Nimbus 220 NB-IoT Module (EDM)
Datasheet for Ubiik Nimbus 220, which is an NB-IoT module that supports the Upper 700 MHz A Block spectrum. This document defines the module reference design and its air and hardware interfaces for customer applications.
Weightless™ End Device Module (EDM)
Datasheet for Ubiik End Device Module (EDM), which is a low power long range module with a full Weightless™ protocol stack including the AT command interface. The AT command interface offers rapid time to market.
Weightless™ End Device Module (EDM) Evaluation Board
​Datasheet for Ubiik End Device Module Evaluation Board (EVB) which provides a simple way to test and evaluate the End Device Module. The End Device Module is a low power long range module with a full Weightless™ protocol stack including the AT command interface.

Product brief
Weightless™ Indoor Base Station
A Brief Overview of Ubiik’s Indoor Base Station which creates a low power, long range network suitable for IoT devices.
Product brief
Weightless™ Outdoor Base Station
A brief overview of the weatherproof, Weightless™ Data Concentrator Unit (DCU). This unit creates a low power, wide area network (LPWAN) suitable for IoT devices. Data collected by the Data Concentrator Unit can be transferred to the backend via Ethernet or LTE Cat-1.
Product brief
Ubiik Wireless ePaper
A brief overview of the Lily600 Weightless™ LPWAN long range ePaper runcard display system. Displays are connected to Base Stations (BS) on the factory floor via the Weightless™ low power wide area network (LPWAN) protocol (a radio network).
Ubiik SECS Interface Reference
Developers can reference this manual to develop their own applications on SECS to connect to their Weightless™ Base Stations for Lily600 device management.
Weightless™ Starter Kit
Interface with Protocol Stack
Developers can reference this manual to develop their own application to connect to their Weightless™ Base Station without needing to be connected to the internet.

White paper
freeRAN™ LTE Base Station White Paper
This white paper provides an overview of how freeRAN™ can be utilized to establish standalone private networks for AMI and DA (Advanced Metering Infrastructure and Distribution Automation) and other deployments, including streetlight sensors, line sensors, EV charging stations, and more.
Weightless™ Ubiik Released Firmware Update Installation Manual
Ubiik is continually enhancing its product offering and will be providing partners with free upgrades of new Weightless™ firmware versions for both Base Station(s) and End Device Module(s). This manual shows you how to make these updates.
Weightless™ Config Tool
This software helps you configure your Base Station (BS) and monitor your End Devices (ED). Use this tool to better control and manage your IoT network.
Weightless™ ePaper GUI
Software to interface Weightless™ long range wireless connected ePaper. This software can be used to test, configure and update your ePaper displays.
goRAN™ Admin Config Tool
This software helps you configure your goRAN Small Cell unit and monitors your User Equipment (UEs). Use this tool to better control and manage your LTE-based IoT network. Download the latest release (V1.0.10.17) from the buttons below.